Some Angry Trump Donors Are Asking for Their Money Back

Trump’s downhill spiral—culminating in his abhorrent comments about women—has riled up an entire nation, threatened to topple the Republican Party, and even turned conservative-news outlets and GOP leaders against him. Now a few of his big donors are feeling buyer’s remorse and asking that their campaign contributions be refunded.

An unnamed fundraising bundler, who’s said he’s gathered up nearly $1 million for Trump, told NBC News that two of his main donors have requested reimbursements for the tens of thousands of dollars they collectively gave the campaign.

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“I cannot express my disappointment enough regarding the recent events surrounding Mr. Trump,” one donor wrote in an email to a Trump fundraiser. “I regret coming to the Trump support event, and in particular allowing my son to be a part of it. I respectfully request that my money be refunded.”

The second donor blamed the recent audio recording as the reason for the requested refund, saying, “I was more than happy to donate to the Republican Party, but I am mortified to hear the latest issues with Donald Trump… I have three young children and will not support a crude sexist man.”

Even the bundler who recruited the donors and raised the large chunk of change for the candidate has halted his efforts and is now focusing on supporting Republican congressional candidates. “I’m embarrassed. I’m really embarrassed,” he told NBC. “I shook hands with him last week, and now I want to wash my hand.”

It’s not clear that the campaign will comply, considering Jason Miller, a senior campaign spokesman, said he’s “unaware of any donors making such a request.” But with the campaign strapped for cash and nowhere near the $400-million operation Hillary Clinton has going, it’s unlikely the campaign will report another record-breaking contribution haul before November 28—sorry, November 8.

Read: A Brief Guide to Donald Trump’s Deeply Weird Campaign Finance Operation