
Purity Ring’s «Asido» Is Goth-Trap-Pop Perfection

Purity Ring’s last album, 2015’s Another Eternity, found the Edmonton duo gunning for a pop crossover with a more accessible, forceful sound. It was effective, but the translucent murk of their revolutionary debut Shrines was lost in the shift. Exactly five years after that album’s release, Purity Ring have shared a new song called «Asido» that truly carries on where it left off.

Megan James’ verbose, poetic lyrics (the song opens with imagery of black widows, spinal cords, and marionettes) are once again knotted through Corin Roddick’s half-dream-pop, half-hip-hop production like fine embroidery. There are new bells and whistles—literally—that really make the song sound like if Victorian mystery novels had trap soundtracks. That idea’s just out in the world now, everyone. Listen to «Asido» above.

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Phil is a Noisey staff writer. He’s on Twitter.