Panda to Sochi: Day 15

Thousand of kilometres later, we stranded in sunny Russia and are having an enormous dinner. Every dish that was served to us by a sweaty guy in white gloves, reminded me of all the stops we had. The colourful moments I remember, the different tastes, cultures and backgrounds with different stories we met.

A road trip du jour, in 19 days from Italy‘s Turin all the way to Russia‘s coastal city Sochi, in the world‘s smallest SUV. That‘s how it is said and how it is. We feel daily happiness because of our automobile. Everyday we saw desperate faces with crashed cars but our Fiat Panda always kept a straight face and chauffeured us.

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But what is the real advantage of Fiat‘s Panda? Us being on this epic road trip!

This the story of a pack of adrenaline junks who are up for new stories and places. A tale which is claiming our willpower and patience. We dared to do this! And this fable is finding his climax in Sochi, our next stop, our final destination.

Currently we are in Krasnodar, to have propably the most Russian dinner ever. The boys are now off to another night story, after they finished more than five 5 bottles of limited edition vodka together with some very nice Russian BMX groupies. I am excited to hear their stories.

We also still party our goodies from Nokia, Fiat, BeatsByDre and Nitro. Just hashtag us #PandatoSochi!