Panda to Sochi: Day 14

Here we are. Bite of a piece of the fat Russian salami, to put something on our white bread. We bought the white bread with our last Ukrainian coins in a little grocery store of two djevotchkas next to the street. The last face of the Ukraine was very friendly.

The motor of the car is constantly on to give us heat and is drying my throat but I can take this instead of minus 20 degrees. We are standing there, in front of a white wall of snow on a frozen ground and are waiting. We are waiting to get the so wished stamp to cross the border to Russia. Before we arrive there, I have to tell about our last day in Mariupol.

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A major industry city in the Ukraine. The whole city is lighten up by an tremendous factory (Iron & Steel Works). I can feel the presence port of the Sea of Azov anywhere in the city. I went through Mariupol to find some facial expressions to the demonstrations of the Ukraine. How is the attitude of a few Ukraine people here? Everyone was very keen to tell me about their opinions but the difficulties of language stopped us immediately—unfortunately.

The only language we are all able to talk is about the fascination for sports. Dima and Stefan totally knocked it! This was bananas, when Dima went on an old and rusty bridge in front of the big steel factory, plus a vast billow of smoke in the background. For Stefan we built a ramp of snow and some icy bricks. He is even able to ride a BMX on snow. Amazing!

But let the photos talk. Back to crossing the border. 50 meters and two hours of time difference is still fascinating us. It is like going back to the future. Our future has finally arrived when we entered Russia.

I could see it in Dima‘s eyes, he felt like home. Both boys fell asleep right away and this time they did not wake up. Why not? I can now tell, as a roadtrip expert, the streets are stable, clean, wider and mostly smooth. No jumping and bumping over snow stones anymore. But let‘s see, we still have quite a route in front of us. Nothing compared to what we did so far. Let‘s say: Welcome Close To Home, Panda. And now imagine an orchestra playing our favourite tunes.

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