This story is over 5 years old.


Play the Role of a Voyeur in Fine Print's Video for "About You" Which is Too NSFW for YouTube

Warning: features sex.

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Releasing a video like this can go two ways. Either the internet misunderstands, calls you a pervert, and you have to rush-release a press-release explaining yourself, or you're hailed as a creative genius, having sparked the match to a larger conversation.

Fine Print's video for "About You" isn't a normal video. It's got, like, people fucking in it and stuff. That's why it's premiering in our own player rather than on YouTube. If it premiered there, it would undoubtedly be banned in seconds. Essentially what happens is this: there's some sort of glamour photoshoot taking place in a lush villa, a dude (or women) spies on it from his villa, and some stalking ensues. We asked the band to tell us what it's about but all we've heard is that it's (a) about the male gaze and (b) viewers should read into it however they want. What we do know though is that it's a brilliant video: graded in beautiful colour and shot in a gorgeous, picturesque location. The song itself is also extremely smooth. Listen to the vocals!

Watch above.

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