Cry-Baby of the Week

It’s time, once again, to name and shame the week’s biggest pussies.

Cry-Baby #1: Frances Hena

Videos by VICE

(via Gawker)

The incident: An 11-year-old girl twerked at her school dance. 

The appropriate response: Learning to deal with it, like previous generations of parents had to with the waltz, grinding, hip shaking, etc.

The actual response: The girl’s mother made her stand at the side of the road holding a sign to publicly shame her.

Last week, Frances Hena from Bakersfield, California told her 11-year-old daughter Jamie that she was not allowed to twerk at a school dance she was attending at Washington Junior High. 

She didn’t want Jamie doing the dance as she feels it’s inappropriate. “She is just a child and she can’t do that. She just can’t,” Hena told ABC News. 

Undeterred, Jamie went to the dance and proceeded to move her “bottom in a very sexual and inappropriate way”, according to the news anchor in the above report.

Frances found out about the illicit dance moves after a friend of hers got in touch and snitched on Jamie. (Why would you do that?)

As punishment, she forced Jamie to spend two hours standing at a busy intersection holding a sign that read, “I was disrespecting my parents by twerking at my school dance.”

She also confiscated Jamie’s iPod, as she believes she used the device to access the internet to learn twerking moves. 

It’s not just Jamie who Frances is mad at; she also thinks the school is at fault for allowing twerking at an official event. “I haven’t heard anything from the school still, and it’s just ridiculous to think that’s OK at a school dance,” she said.

She hopes that, moving forward, the school will adopt a “no twerking” policy.

Cry-Baby #2: Michelle Rowlinson

(via Angry People in Local News / screencap via Burton Mail)

The incident: A boy went into a store to buy plasters for his friend who had fallen over. 

The appropriate response: Nothing. 

The actual response: The boy’s mother contacted the local ‘paper to complain that her son had been forced to pay. 

Some time last week, 12-year-old Charlie Rowlinson was out playing with his 13-year-old friend Ed in Stapenhill, England. At some point, Ed fell and gashed his knee. 

Charlie and Ed went to a local shop called Wendy’s News to buy plasters and a bottle of water to rinse the wound. As is standard practice in shops, they were charged a monetary amount (£1.05) in exchange for the goods. 

Outraged that her son had been made to take part in a system that has existed for the last thousand years or so, Charlie’s mother Michelle contacted her local paper, The Burton Mail, to complain about what had happened. 

“In my opinion, it’s disgraceful that they charged him to clean himself up when he went in hurt,” she said, adding, “If he had come to my house, I wouldn’t have charged him for water.”

Somebody from The Burton Mail contacted the shop, and owner Karen Taylor said the boys had not asked for help and had the money in their hand already. 

“My mum was working at the time. She said the two boys came into the shop and asked if we had any plasters,” Taylor explained. “She took them into the corner and showed them the plasters, so assumed they wanted to pay for them as they had already got the money out. They didn’t ask for help. They came back in and asked for tissues, and she told him to help himself to some kitchen roll on the side. He then came back in and bought a bottle of water.”

Which of these mums is the biggest cry-baby? Let us know in this poll right here:

Who is the bigger cry-baby?

Previously: A guy who threw a dog off a bridge because it got in his way Vs. A woman who really hates hot selfies

Winner: The mum who hates selfies!!!

Follow Jamie on Twitter: @JLCT