Coordinated Correct!

Right now, hip-hop fashion in America is definitely where it should be. All the people making regular clothing are from another culture. So you got cats like me, Sean John, and anyone else who has some kind of record career or entertainment career, they also have clothing lines.

We pay close attention to the quality, and every month we change deliveries, no doubt. We make sure that the design is stepped up. We can facilitate anybody’s demands, but also we make it to where it’s accessible to more than just hip-hop culture. I think it’s clothes that anyone would like. It’s just clean and crisp, fresh to death.

Hip-hop fashion will probably get bigger and bigger, y’know what I’m saying? Rocawear is on an international takeover, so it’ll definitely cross so many different dynamical barriers. So many different kinds of people will wear it just because we’re always reinventing ourselves in places that make sense.

My personal style? I would say it was the style of Rocawear. They call me ‘young fresh to death.’ It’s very important that I’m coordinated correct. My clothes are always crispy, because I never wear things twice. Every time you see something I’m wearing, a tag’s been popped, then I take it off, and I give it away. Everything––sneakers and all. Socks, sneakers, the whole nine. I give them to my charity, Team Roc, and the kids in the charity.

I do buy multiples of white T-shirts and plain ones, but definitely not sneakers. If I like sneakers, I buy them by the 20s and 30s. This week, I already bought about ten pairs. Any place you go in the world, you can always find something that they don’t have anywhere else, so you have to buy it up when you see it.