Cry-Baby of the Week: A Politician Threatened to Sue a Newspaper for Printing His Name

It’s time, once again, to marvel at some idiots who don’t know how to handle the world:

Cry-Baby #1: Kirby Delauter

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The incident: A newspaper mentioned a city council member in an article.

The appropriate response: Nothing.

The actual response: He threatened to sue the paper if they used his name again without permission.

Kirby Delauter is a council member for Frederick County, Maryland. Last week, he was mentioned exactly one time in an article about parking restrictions written by a Frederick News Post reporter named Bethany Rodgers.

This didn’t sit all that well with Delauter, who wrote a Facebook post expressing his annoyance at being mentioned by the paper. “Shame on Bethany Rodgers for the unauthorized use of my name and my reference in her article today,” he wrote. “Let me be clear……………….. do not contact me and do not use my name or reference me in an unauthorized form in the future.”

As Rodgers had been tagged in the post, she responded in a comment, explaining to Delauter that, as a journalist, she doesn’t need to get his permission to use his name in an article. “It’s not just our right but our responsibility to report on people like you, who occupy positions of trust in our government and I make no apologies for doing that,” she explained.

Delauter, who possesses frighteningly little understanding of his legal rights for a man in his position, wrote a follow-up comment threatening Rodgers with legal action if she uses his name again: “Use my name unauthorized again and you’ll be paying for an Attorney [ sic]. Your rights stop where mine start.”

The Frederick News Post responded to this, hilariously, by posting an article with the Malkovichesque headline “Kirby Delauter, Kirby Delauter, Kirby Delauter.” The article featured his name 30 times.

After Delauter’s outburst received national attention, he posted an apology to Facebook, admitting that what he had done was dumb.

Cry-Baby #2: Ronald Corwin

Photo via Flickr user Mike Licht

The incident: A man fell off a Citi Bike.

The appropriate response: Nothing.

The actual response: He is suing the city of New York for not forcing him to wear a helmet.

Back in 2013, a 74-year-old Connecticut man named Ronald Corwin was riding a Citi Bike (New York’s system of rentable bikes) in Manhattan.

Corwin says that while riding the bike, he hit a concrete barrier and fell off, landing on his head. He filed a lawsuit against the city at the end of last month, asking for $60 million. According to Ronald, he lost his sense of taste and smell as a result of his accident, and feels that New York and Citi Bike are at fault for not offering helmets when you rent one of the bikes.

A story in the New York Daily News reports that Ronald also feels that the concrete barrier that he rode into should have been painted to make it more visible.

Which of these guys is the bigger cry-baby? Let us know in this poll here:

Previously: Cry-Baby of the Year 2014

Winner: The woman who tried to get someone raped because she outbid her on a house!

Follow Jamie Lee Curtis Taete on Twitter.