Cry-Baby of the Week: A Family Was Charged with Disturbing the Peace After Cheering at a High School Graduation

It’s time, once again, to marvel at some idiots who don’t know how to handle the world:

Cry-Baby #1: Jay Foster

Videos by VICE

Lanarcia Walker with two relatives. Screencaps via Google Maps and WREG

The incident: Some people cheered at a graduation ceremony after being told they weren’t allowed to cheer.

The appropriate response: Shushing them or throwing them out.

The actual response: Warrants were issued for their arrest.

Last month, 18-year-old Lanarcia Walker graduated from Senatobia High School in Senatobia, Mississippi.

As she made her way across the stage to collect her diploma at the school’s graduation ceremony, several of her relatives in the audience shouted things at the stage. Normal graduation shouting things: Lanarcia’s father shouted, “You did it, baby!” Another relative shouted the girl’s name.

This created an issue, as Jay Foster, the superintendent of Lanarcia’s school, had asked the crowd not to applaud or cheer until the end of the ceremony. They had been told, according to a report on WREG, that doing so would get them kicked out.

As a result of their outburst, four members of Lanarcia’s family were asked to leave the graduation ceremony.

A couple of weeks later, the ejected family members were served with papers telling them that they were being charged with “DISTUBE PEACE,” which, presumably, is the same thing as disturbing the peace.

The papers described how the family had used “loud boisterous noise” to “disturb the public peace of Jay Foster.” Their bonds have been set at $500 each.

“It’s crazy. The fact that I might have to bond out of jail, pay court costs, or a $500 fine for expressing my love, it’s ridiculous man. It’s ridiculous,” said Henry Walker, one of the charged relatives.

WREG attempted to speak to Jay Foster, the superintendent who had pressed the charges. He refused to appear on camera, but reportedly told the station that he was determined to have order at his school’s graduation ceremonies.

The family are due in court next Tuesday.

Cry-Baby #2: Fred Smith

Screencap via Google Maps

The incident: A woman took some guy’s favorite seat at a bingo hall.

The appropriate response: Finding a different seat.

The actual response: He slashed the woman’s tires.

82-year-old Fred Smith (pictured above) and 88-year-old Ethel Britt both regularly play bingo at the Lake Ashton Club House in Lake Wales, Florida.

According to what Fred later told police, he entered the bingo hall to find Ethel sitting in a seat that he usually liked to sit in. This sent him into a rage.

Security camera footage of the incident obtained by the local Fox affiliate shows Fred briefly returning to his vehicle, before using an ice pick to puncture two tires on Ethel’s minivan. He then fled the scene.

“I didn’t think anyone would be low enough to do that to my car because I didn’t know I had any enemies in my life,” said Ethel. “I thought everybody was my friend, but undoubtedly I have one enemy.”

According to Lake Wales Police Department deputy chief Troy Schulze, Fred admitted to the crime as soon as they showed up at his house to question him. “It’s quite frankly a childish-type crime,” the officer told Fox. “He was apologetic. He said he was embarrassed. He regretted doing it, but he took ownership of it and said that even in the embarrassment he had to face consequences.”

Fred was charged with criminal mischief. He has also been banned from playing bingo at the Lake Ashton Club House. So Ethel can sit in the chair whenever she feels like now, I guess.

Which of these guys is the bigger cry-baby? Let us know in this poll here:

Previously: A who woman stabbed someone in the eye in an argument over ribs vs. a guy who allegedly choked his fiancé in an argument over NASCAR.

Winner: The ribs lady!!!

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