Cry-Baby of the Week

Let’s all laugh at some sissy little girls and boys again!

Cry-Baby #1: Neighbours Who Hate Second-Hand Smoke

Videos by VICE

The incident: The neighbours of a Vancouver couple named Wendell and Rena Krossa smoked some cigarettes in their own back garden.

The appropriate reaction: Nothing. Or close a window or something if the smell is bothering you.

The actual reaction: The Krossa Family wrote to their Mayor and Premier, to call for “new legislation to protect their family and their home”. According to the Krossas, their neighbours’ cigarette smoke is travelling across the fence into their back garden, and then being sucked into their house. “I’m feeling frustrated and helpless because I cannot keep my kids safe in their own home,” said Rena, in an interview she gave to a local news station.

Their neighbour, Scott Urquhart, said he has tried to resolve the problem by smoking in his front garden instead, but the Krossas were still not happy, adding: “Don’t buy a house that’s eight-feet apart from one another, if you don’t want to smell or hear your neighbours.”

Smoking is already banned in public areas in Vancouver. If it were to become illegal on private property too, it would essentially be outlawed entirely.

Cry-Baby #2: Neighbours Who Hate Techno Pool Parties

Photo via

The incident: Some very rich people who live in some very swanky apartments in New York are within hearing distance of a weekly rooftop pool party.

The appropriate reaction: Nothing. Or moving to the suburbs if it’s too much for them.

The actual reaction: Complaining. A lot. And when that didn’t work, taking their story to The New York Post.

“The bass will start, and the windows will vibrate. The windows literally move… It’s like South Beach,” said local resident Mary Ellen Maher (pictured above) of the weekly party that runs Sundays from 3.30PM until 8.30PM.

“I try to not be home on Sundays. The last thing you want are a bunch of crazy people with loud techno music until 8 or 9PM,” added 24-year-old neighbour Greg Housset.

Are you fucking kidding me? Come on guys. Especially you Greg, you’re 24 fucking years old. “Until 8 or 9pm”? Seriously? Get the fuck outta here. You wanna live in the city, but you can’t handle hearing other people? Fuck off to the suburbs.

So who is the biggest cry-baby? Let us know in the poll below so that we can shame one of these self-serious pussies forever:

Who is the bigger cry-baby?

Previously: Angry Brown Sauce Boyfriend Vs. Hearing Impaired Justin Bieber Fan

Winner: Hearing Impaired Justin Bieber Fan!

Follow Jamie on Twitter: @JLCT