The Lost Posh Souls of Thailand's Full Moon Parties


This story is over 5 years old.


The Lost Posh Souls of Thailand's Full Moon Parties

Come and meet Koh Phangan's angels.

This post originally appeared on VICE Germany

Haad Rin is an idyllic white-sand beach on the island of Koh Phangan in Thailand. If the beach could speak, it would logically have to have a mouth that over the years would have been forced to swallow an awful lot of booze, puke, drugs, blood, piss, shit and cum.

The parties held here every full moon can attract up to 30,000 people from all over the world though mainly it's Westerners; Club 18-30 for English, German and American kids whose parents are richer than the average. For years, day-glo backpackers have flocked to Haad Rin to get smashed on mushrooms, and drink vodka from a bucket while listening to Manu Chao and buttrock Goa.


Photographer Ender Suenni has been documenting these parties for the last couple of years. Growing up in Berlin (another place famous for its untamed lifestyle), Ender was interested in these parallel worlds but also confused by some of the behaviour – in particular, the notion that wearing neon colours has anything to do with having "an authentic rave experience".

When morning comes, the beach is littered with lost souls bearing all sorts of wounds from the night before, stumbling on under the watchful eyes of confused locals, making their mothers cry with shame. Haad Rin is truly a paradise.