Meet the Rapper Who Thinks FILA is the Best Brand Ever Made

Ever since rap picked itself out of the underground and into the mainstream, artists have fetishized high-end brands. Kanye is known as the Louis Vuitton Don, A$AP Rocky is modelling for DKNY, and almost any rapper worth anything has started their own clothing brand. Versace Versace Versace.

But, until now, no rapper has ever fetishized FILA. Maybe because it’s a brand usually found plastered all over the walls of Sports Direct in the form of polo shirts and cheap pairs of socks. Maybe because a drawstring FILA hoody isn’t as boast-worthy as a closet full of Givenchy scarves. Either way, two Swedish dudes have recorded their own ode to the best brand that never was, and never will be. I called them up to talk about it.

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Noisey: Why do you like FILA? What makes it special?

Young Bjørn Borg: FILA goes good with everything.

Lættis Weed: Our use of FILA is not just a style expression, but also a rebellion against a world that has gone completely mad. I’m sick of listening to rhymes about Versace and Louis Vuitton. Migos cant even fucking spell Louis Vuitton, and people walk around with their cheap ass knock-offs imagining that they looking like a million bucks. My solidarity is with poor street kids, not with The Money Machine. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a ultra-left fundamentalist, but somewhere you just got to draw a fucking line.

In England FILA is sort of seen as a budget brand, is it seen differently in Europe? Is it a luxury?

YBB: What does it mean that something is a budget brand? That you can’t buy clothes without pawning your house? When was it the price of the product that decided whether or not something is swag? FILA is swag anyway – they don’t need to set the price high to pretend otherwise, and therefore they don’t.

True, I’m personally a big fan.

Lættis Weed: It’s a budget brand here as well. Actually: They don’t even fucking sell FILA in Norway anymore! Haha. Its extinct. Just like the respect people had for hip hop and its culture.

How many different items of FILA branded clothing do you own?

YBB: I only wear FILA. It fits all. I’ve spent €2,180 on clothes since January. I had to borrow money from my grandmother.

Lættis Weed: I have Scandinavia’s biggest doo-rag collection. One red and one blue. Got about 20 pieces other than that.

I’d like to take issue with some of the lyrics. At one point, you state – “I’ve got style. You got herpes. I got FILA”. From my point of view, it sounds like you’re suggesting everyone without FILA shoes has herpes. Could that be the case?

Lættis Weed: That’s right.

Do we need to start making FILA brand condoms? Will that prevent the rise of STIs?

YBB: What a great idea! I have never used a condom, ever, precisely because they are not in FILA. Now, I haven’t banged much either, but it may be that it happens in the future!

Lættis Weed: How about multi purpose condoms that can be emptied after sex, and then used as doo-rags? Sustainable development baby.

Say FILA brought out a condom but it was 66% more likely to slip off and lose itself within an orifice, resulting in an awkward five seconds spent peering around a dimly room for an abused piece of latex. Would you still wear it over a reputable brand?

YBB: The alternative is herpes. So yeah, I would wear it.

Lættis Weed: I have four kids, with four different baby mama’s. What the FUCK is a condom? My dick is too big for those. Ladies, hit me up on Twitter @OsloSolo.

One guy in the video talks about licking butts, What’s the best butt you’ve rimmed?

YBB: I have always dreamed of rimming [Swedish actress] Louise Edlind Friberg. She was well fit in [the Swedish TV series] “Saltkråkan”.

Lættis Weed: I don’t rim man. Religious reasons.

Did FILA pay you to make this?

They probably dont know that we have made a​​ song even. Also, I dont think they have enough money to pay for advertising themselves, so they should get in touch with us and thank us for keepin this fucking brand alive. Free merch?

Somehow I can’t imagine they’d want you to be brand ambassadors.

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