This story is over 5 years old.

A Wiccan

Here's an interview with a godless pagan in which we discuss Satan's birthday, resurrecting the dead, and drinking the blood of babies.


Here’s an interview with a godless pagan in which we discuss Satan’s birthday, resurrecting the dead, and drinking the blood of babies.

Just kidding. Here’s an interview with a very nice Wiccan lady about Samhain (the peaceful harvest holiday, not the band), giving praise to your deceased ancestors, and… actually there’s no parallel at all to the drinking-baby-blood thing in here. Sorry.


Vice: Do you view Halloween as completely separate from Samhain?

Nicole Cooper:

Give us some background on Samhain and its significance to Wiccans.

What sorts of rituals take place?

Have you witnessed anything spooky during one of these rituals?

Is there any Wiccan significance to pumpkins and other gourds?

How about jack-o’-lanterns?

Are you bothered by the increasing commercialization of Halloween?

Do you find it offensive when people dress up like witches?

Have you ever got into it with a fundamentalist Christian who opposed your beliefs?


Is there any truth to rumors of human or animal sacrifice in Wicca?