Photos of the Whole of Portugal Coming Together to Watch Football

This article originally appeared on VICE Portugal

During Euro 2016, the Portuguese team’s motto was “We are not 11, we are 11 million.” Presumably if England ever won a football tournament we’d know how that feels. Unfortunately, we’re a divided country with RSI from signing national suicide pacts and a football team less dynamic than a paper bag full of puke and doorknobs.

Videos by VICE

Last Sunday during the final, we visited taverns, cafes and terraces in Lisbon’s neighbourhoods to watch every type of person rejoice at Eder’s transcendental moment. Let’s try and find solace in these pictures showing just how it feels when an entire nation is united.

Scroll down for more photos.

See more of Niccolò Natali’s video work here and photography here. See more of Fulvio De Filippi’s work here.

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