Puss In Boots – Part 1

You’ve probably seen Cat Prin: The Tailor of a Cat. It’s a Japanese web-store that sells the most ridiculously adorable cat outfits with names like “Frog Transformation Set,” “Young Lady Blouse,” and “Shawl of a Rabbit.” The site has tons of photos of two little Scottish Folds wearing all these funny getups and staring right at you with dazed expressions. It’s one of those wacky websites that gets emailed around a lot, often with a subject heading like “omg, sooooo cute!” In fact, the girl who does The Cute Show

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 says that she gets it forwarded to her at least once a day, which is even more than she gets links to catsthatlooklikehitler.com Vice: Tell us how you first began the world’s best clothing store for cats.

Takako Iwase: I’ll bet! Were there any particular events that led up to you hearing the voice of God commanding you to make cat clothes? That is one inspirational story. Did you think there would be a big market for cat fashion? But as it turns out, you and the universe were very much as one. So once you had the idea, was it tough getting it off the ground? That’s a whole lot of truth. Do you make all of the clothing by hand? Prin is the white Scottish Fold who models some of the costumes, right? She’s so cute and seems so mellow. My cat would never let me put all those hats and cloaks on her. Funny. Who are your customers? Have you had any strange requests? Do you have any pointers on how to convince a cat to wear clothes? Which is your favorite cat outfit? You’ve even made an official Hello Kitty costume for cats. What’s your ultimate dream outfit? Tell us about your plans for the future. Christina’s Children