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The Internet Is Written In Ink

What Are the Cast of School Of Rock Up to Now?

The cast reunited to play the film's theme song last week, but what the hell are they doing now that it's been ten years since the film was released?
Ryan Bassil
London, GB


Last week the cast of School of Rock reunited to celebrate the ten-year anniversary of the only film in which Jack Black is semi-bearable. The event took place in Austin, Texas, where the cast took a bunch of photos, reminded everyone that they were still alive, and ran through a rendition of the film's title theme. Here’s a video in stunning low definition.

A generational landmark film, a ten year time period, and a bunch of easily embeddable multimedia content: these are the ingredients for listicle laxative. Just imagine what will happen when Lindsay Lohan’s bank account resembles her career and she reconvenes with the cast of Freaky Friday to perform this classic.


But, while all the other websites are busy scrambling to steal each others HTML codes, I wondered, what are all the child stars who are forever tarnished with an IMDB page that contains only one film up to? Are they like the Sherminator, of American Pie fame, waiting on tables? Are they like Miley Cyrus, subscribing to the fad that all train-wreck celebrities used to be child stars? Or are they just a bunch of lost twenty somethings deciding whether the money left after rent is better spent on toilet paper or health food?

It turned out to be worse; half of them don’t even have Twitter.

Zack “Zack-Attack” Mooneyham – Guitar

Now at the age in which most millennials enter a quarter-life crisis, Zack Mooneyham, king of kicking ass and disappointing his father, is busy doing what every twenty-two year old boy dreams of: strumming with people that are twice his age. Zack – yes, I’m referring to everyone by the cast names in which they’re immortalised – is playing in a band with a bunch of forty year old guys. His new band, follows his 2004 “high energy guitar driven rock” solo album, which you can buy for $10 from, but can’t illegally download from torrent sites. I’d like to think that it’s because he’s got better internet security than Kanye West, but because I’m a realist (read: asshole), it’s probably because his album is as desirable as a returning case of HPV.

Here’s a video of him playing live at the Plymouth Ice Fest, 2013, four years after he was arrested for driving both underage, and under the influence, from a branch of Taco Bell.