What Have the BBC Got to Do with Muslim Paedo Gangs?

There’s little news creepier or more upsetting than a hugely famous children’s TV star being outed as a paedophile, even if the bastard is dead and his grave destroyed, preventing anything tangible for a vigilante mob to take out their fury on. The number of people coming forward to say that they had unspeakably gross stuff done to them in the Jim’ll Fix It changing room and the wards of children’s hospitals around the country has risen to 300. A dozen living celebrities have also been implicated in the scandal, making it look more like an organised paedophile ring (rather than one lone creep) and an inquiry is being launched to investigate whether the sex ring had links to the heart of the British government.

All things considered, there’s no doubt that the Jimmy Savile scandal has left the BBC and other institutions with some very serious questions to answer; questions that are bound to have very depressing answers. What also sucks, though, is how certain organisations with long-held grudges against the BBC have hijacked the situation to grind axes that have little to do with paedophilia.

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These guys are from the BNP. I know, I didn’t realise they had any members left either, but apparently this is what the party’s “Justice Department” looks like. They spent Friday afternoon outside Broadcasting House in the West End holding their placards up to protest against… well I wasn’t sure, exactly. They seemed to be trying to make some kind of connection between the BBC and the “Muslim grooming gangs” that, according to many right-wing groups in the UK, have been active in the North of England and Scotland for years now.

Either that, or they were trying to promote their cause in the (s)limelight Savile and the BBC currently find themselves bathed in. Which obviously isn’t an at all cynical or desperate thing to do.

A lot of them were – shockingly – very cagey around the media. But they all agreed that it’s not weird to use the exposure of a large paedophile ring consisting of white people to raise the issue of Muslim paedophile grooming gangs. Because, no matter what race or religion, all paedophiles should be subject to the same disgust. Quite right, guys. With that in mind, it’s a good thing that the font on your placards in no way promotes any kind of racist agenda.

Chris, 42, HGV lorry driver.

VICE: What’s brought you out here today?
It’s my duty as a nationalist, mate. The BBC have got a pretty entrenched problem here. The whole BBC is a big cover up at the moment.

What’s nationalism got to do with being against paedophilia?
We’ve got to stand up against these grooming gangs. There’s a problem with the Islamic people targeting Christian children and not their own. Alright, you’ve got British paedophiles – I can’t deny that – but you haven’t got nine or ten British people in a gang doing it.

What? There are far more examples of white paedophile gangs in Britain than Muslim ones.
There’s no evidence of that.

I’m pretty sure that there is.
You know what? Leave me alone. All you journos are the bloody same.

Name withheld.

VICE: What are your thoughts around all this?
Paedophilia is part of Muslim culture. They all vote Labour. The Labour Party is Marxist and they’re involved with this Marxist mob here.

Wait, the BBC is Marxist?
It’s full of them. It’s been riddled with Marxists since its inception.

Really? One of the first things the BBC did was help break the General Strike in 1926. 

Well, strike-breaking isn’t very Marxist.
That’s just offerings; just crumbs.

Do you think the BBC’s Marxism manifests itself in its programming?
Well, just look what happened when they let Nick Griffin on Question Time if you want an answer to that. They selected the audience – full of Marxists. And the panel was absolutely full of them.

Baroness Warsi is a Marxist?
No, she’s a Muslim. Her father is an immigrant. He’s got nothing to offer this country. It’s take, take, take.

That’s funny, because I read he started a successful company that employs a bunch of British people. It’s funny what you can choose to ignore.

Anyway, as you can see the protest was a pretty tiny one, and after overhearing the two exchanges you just read, no one else there would talk to me. I just thought you guys would appreciate an update on what battles the British National Party are fighting these days.

Find it funny how deluded and ignorant the BNP are? Try these: 

Nick Griffin Got Kicked Off Twitter

Babes of the BNP

Babes of the BNP, Revisited