This story is over 5 years old.

Nollywood Omen

“Nollywood is the answer to CNN,” says a star of Nollywood Babylon, a Canadian documentary about the Nigerian film industry—a veritable movie factory that churns out 25,000 films a year at a budget of less than $10,000 each.

This is the devil saying: “I am Lucifer! I will take over the world!”

This is one of his slaves, gravely agreeing that what his master says is true.

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Nollywood Babylon

Deadly Consequence, Emotional Problems,

Romantic Issues


Star Wars

Here the devil sends a laser beam down to one his slaves in an effort to destroy the world by using the laser beam to open up a grave for another devil, who is blue.


The slave gladly receives the laser beam.


Here, Pastor Okonkwo prays that the devil’s laser beam does not awaken the other devil.

The devil’s slave is hit by Christian lightning generated by Pastor Okonkwo’s prayers.



Watch out for more on our trip to Liberia, where we learned about this jewel of a genre and hung out with General Butt Naked, on VBS.TV.

In this scene, two men have just had sex. This was put into the movie to show that the devil is at work in Nigeria even when he’s not firing laser beams into graveyards.

This is the Nigerian version of Damien from The Omen. Here he is using his devil powers to tempt an older woman into bed.

Here he is postcoitus.

This is one of the devil’s concubines. She is about to threaten a Christian man with a drill to the head because he is refusing to accept the 666 stamp.

He is very afraid of the drill.

The film ends with another Christian man having his eyeball sucked out by a vacuum, whereupon this guy (who isn’t actually Pastor Okonkwo) tells us to repent at once because the end times are upon us and you wouldn’t like it if you had your eyeball sucked out by a vacuum. Fin!