Watch the Champions League Final and Drink Free Beer this Saturday

You’ve probably spent all week sweating over where you’ll be able to watch the Champions League Final on Saturday night, drink free beer and look at sculptures and shit at the same time, right? Well, luckily for you the not-so-traditional bed-fellows of football and art will be having a raunchy affair Saturday night at a gallery in Shoreditch, East London. And guess what? There will be free beer!

VICE is presenting the Battle For London at Protein Gallery on Hewett Street on Saturday 19th May. There’s free beer, free art, free football. There’ll also be a load of famous and renowned designers and artists and stuff who just happen to like sport as well (it’s kind of become OK to like sport now, I think).

If you want to go click HERE to sign up for free entry (and free beer, did we mention the free beer?).

Have fun!