This story is over 5 years old.

girl eats food

Fake Cheese Cheesecake

A dairy extravaganza that'll put your after-dinner cheeseboard to shame.


Lactose intolerance sufferers, look away now. This week we have a dairy extravaganza, smushing together everything from Babybels to Dunkers to Cheetos, into one enormous cheesecake that'll put your after-dinner cheeseboard to shame.

lots x cheese crackers
lots x cheese straws
lots x cheesy crisps
lots x Cheetos
lots x Dairylea Dunkers
half block x cheddar cheese
lots x cheese strings
lots x burger cheese
lots x Babybels
1 x tub soft cheese
1 x tube squirty cheese
1 x big tablespoon melted butter Step 1.


Stamp all your crunchy cheese ingredients into crumbs.

Step 2.

Empty into a tin and pour over melted butter.

Step 3.

Smush everything down until firm, then leave the base to chill.

Step 4.

Meanwhile, for the next layer, melt all your cheddar, Babybels and cheese strings slowly over a bain-marie until stringy.

Step 5.

Dump melty cheese onto the base and squidge down.

Step 6.

Last of all, mix together the soft and squirty cheese, then stir vigorously.

Step 7.

Slop the mix on the cheesecake to finish and if you're feeling fancy decorate accordingly.




Previously: Girl Eats Food - Mini Fried Chicken Hors d'Oeuvres

Really fucking hungry? Check out Joanna Fuertes-Knight's (totally free) online cookbook! It's got every Girl Eats Food recipe ever in it.