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Question Of The Day

I've Just 'Shelved a Pinger'. What Have I Done?

How many of you guys shove pills up your ass on the regs?

Welcome to our new column, Question of the Day. It gives interns something to do!

Guess where they're going.  Photo via

There are loads of things in the world that you can stick up your bum if you want to be happy. Loads. One of those things is an ecstasy pill. In America, they call this process 'boofing a roll', but in the UK, it's known as 'shelving a pinger'. I went out on the streets to see if people were aware of this.


Nikki, 26.

VICE: What do you think I'd mean if I told you I’d 'just shelved a pinger'?
Nikki: You've what?

Shelved a pinger.
No idea.

At a guess, what would you say it might mean?
That you disliked a band?

No. Bit off. Good guess, though.
What’s the answer?

To shove an ecstasy pill up your bum.
Wow. I’ll be using that one later.

The phrase or the technique?

Gary, 43.

VICE: I’ve just 'shelved a pinger'. What have I done?
Gary: I wouldn’t know. You want to be asking someone who’s 25.

Give it a guess?
You didn’t take up an offer that was nailed on.

That is a good guess. But it’s not quite right. It means I just stuck an ecstasy pill up my bottom. To get it into my blood quicker.
Hahaha. Excellent.

Is that a phrase you’ll be using any time soon?
Absolutely. I’ll be making sure my staff all do it this weekend. That’s brilliant; I’m actually going to tweet that now.

Tom and Tara.

VICE: Hello. I've just shelved a pinger. What do I mean?
Absolutely no idea.

At a guess.
Is it some kind of sporting term?

I can tell you that it’s not a sporting term.
Crushing up a pill?

It's pill-related. You’re actually pretty close, but it's a bit grosser, I guess.
No idea then.

It's when you take a pill and you shove it up your ass. What do you think of that idea? Great, huh?

Not something you’ll be doing any time soon?

Ok then see ya!

After leaving Tom and Tara we found this. Look at the size of this fucking pinger!


Try shelving that.

Gary, 20.

VICE: What do you think I'd mean if I told you that you'd 'shelved a pinger'?
Gary: I'd just had a poo.

Right body part. Wrong action/ direction.
A more manly thing? You’ve lost me.

It means you just shoved a pill up your ass.
Ah right. Lovely.

What do you think about that?
Probably a pretty quick and convenient way of getting it in me.

Dan, 16. Dan may have thought we were trying to sell him drugs. Either drugs or, possibly, food. Do people walking in the street sell each other food? IDK.

VICE: What do you think I'd mean if I told you that I'd just shelved a pinger?
Dan: Yeah, yeah I’ll grab that.

I'm sorry?
Is that not what it means?

You got ‘food’, yeah?

You got dank, yeah?

What do you think we mean?

Something to do with your bum.

Shoving a pill up your bum?
That’s not good man.

What’s your name sorry?
[long pause] Dan.

OK, Dan. See you later.

Previously: Is Monogamy the Best We Can Do?