This story is over 5 years old.


A Fist in the Face of God Presents... Full Speed Ahead Vol. 2

One hour and eight minutes of full frontal, kick-you-in-the-throat speed metal.

Image by Jan Utecht

After the relative success of last year's Full Speed Ahead speed metal compilation, its composer – Hades Omega of Greek speed metal outfit Omega – informed me of a follow-up, this time brining more of the proto-speed metal sounds that set the sub-genre in motion for the early to mid-80s. For this mix, he enlisted the skills of one DJ Fenriz, who picked out almost half of the tracks.

They actually played the mix out at Oslo's finest metal bar Kniven last weekend. Oh, and he even had the multi-talented Jan Utecht of German speed/black metal band Occvlta draw up the artwork for the mix. And a fine job he did, too. A real group effort.


I asked the guys if they had anything to say about their selection; Fenriz went first:

Dopi from [Spanish grindcore band] Machetazo sent me a whole bunch of old Spanish metal from the 80s, and I picked out my favourites from that and put them on this compilation. And by the way, when I heard the whole thing, I quickly realised that the Black Magic track rules the most out of all of them.

Before Hades weighed in with:

Since last year's compilation went pretty good, I thought it was time for a second speed metal attack. This time I asked my friend Fenriz to help, since he's the biggest speed metal maniac I know. I love how it turned out – a good mix of interesting old obscurities and new stuff. I hope people enjoy it as much as we enjoyed making it.


1. Toxic (USA) - "Heart Attack" [1986]
2. Banshee (Canada) - "Breakdown" [1984]
3. Gillan (UK) - "What's the Matter" [1982]
4. Banzai (Spain) - "Coche Rapido en La Noche" [1983]
5. Dio (USA) - "I Speed at Night" [1984]
6. Hades (Spain) - "Entre El Fuego y La Crue" [1985]
7. Black Magic (Norway) - "Thunder" [2014]
8. Jonah Quizz (Sweden) - "Attack" [1982]
9. Scorpions (Germany) - "Dynamite" [1982]
10. Paradox (Germany) - "At Night Never Twice" [1986]
11. Flight (Norway) - "Escape" [2014]
12. Sable (Spain) - "Simbolos de Rebelion" [1987]
13. Blood Money (UK) - "Metalyzed" [1986]
14. Triton (Spain) - "Triton" [1985]
15. Outcast (Australia) - "No Tomorrow" [2014]


Full Speed Ahead Vol. 2 by Mxnv on Mixcloud

I've also been keeping up my monthly radio show on NTS, where I play the finest in forgotten metal for two hours. The shows are chronicled here, for those not in the know.

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More mixtapes from A Fist in the Face of God:

There Will Never Be Peace

Full Speed Ahead!

Out of Our Own Orientation